Sunday 30 June 2013


In this topic, we were introduced to important terms such as Data, Information and Information Management. But before that we were taught about the generations of computer ( a programmable machine that carries out what it has been instructed to do.)  and how it evolved with time.
It starts from the first generation of computers known as Vaccum tube where the first computers ever known to mankind were ENIAC (Electronic Numerator Integrator and Computers) and UNIVAC.
The second generation of computers were Transistors which was invented by William Shockley, John Bardeen, and Walter Brattain.
Then Integrated Circuits came into being in the third generation which was a combination of thousands of transistors.
The Fourth generation are the computers we use now which uses microchips. Some examples are VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) and ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration).
Artificial Intelligence, AI is the fifth and future generation of computers which can think, reason and learn as well.
These are the five generations of computer that we came to know about in this topic. Now we move to Data and Information.


Data are raw facts,
while processed data is called Information. DHere, Data Integrity is also important. It refers to maintaining and assuring the accuracy and consistency of data over its entire life-cycle.
The concept for Data Integrity is
GIGO (Garbage In Garbage Out) 

 Data that is organized and meaningful is called Information.
 Information has important roles to fill in different organizations such as decision-making, etc.
But it also depends on the quality of information used which is judged in terms of accuracy, usefulness, verifiability, timely, organization and completeness. 

 Information has two basic elements:
Reach: means the number of people, participate, exchanging, sharing the information.
Richness: Quality/ quality of information shared in transaction.
           It has three components:
1. Bandwidth
2. Interactivity
3. Customization data alone does not make sense.

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