Thursday 4 July 2013


Information System IS
An information System can be defined technically as a set of interrelated components that collect or retrieve, process, store and distribute information to support decision-making and control in an organization.

Following are the sub-topics we were taught regarding the topic of IS.
Types of IS
Components of IS
Flow of information between mgmt levels
Features of different IS such as TPS AND MIS, DSS

Components of IS
Hardware, Software, Database, Procedure, Telecommunications and People.

IS development methodologies:

It contains models and should tell you 'what' steps to take and how to perform those steps but most importantly the reasons why those steps should be taken, in that particular order.

Jayaratna, (1994) pg.37

Why and when you Initiate system development?
Problem with existing system
Desire to introduce new system
Change in market/external environment

Types of ISD methodologies
Many methodologies are used in systems development
IE (information Engineering)
Jackson Sysetem Development
Soft Systems Methodology (SSM)

In the class, Our group consisting of six members were handed  four case studies. We went through all of the case thoroughly and completed it with our team effort. The result was quite satisfying and on top of that we also gained knowledge on how IS is relevant in today's organization.

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